
U.S.S. Omega NX 1858
USS Hornet
Site Info
27 - 09 - 01
Title: U.S.S. Omega NX 1858
URL: http://www.geocities.com/jeet_kun_do21/omega/omega.html
Description: In the 25th Century, Starfleet Intelligence commishioned and new Intrepid Class starship, slightly larger then Voyager and fitted with 
all of the latest technologies for the Temporal Fleet.
1) This sim is based in the 25th century. Allot of the backgound is based on the Voyager Episodes whcih dealt with time-travel. The overall design is basic enough. The main page contains images 
of the ship and a brief background. Also present are links to the crew page, the sims club on Yahoo!Clubs and starfleet academy.
Command officers has greater access to the site. More information like ships specs would add more to the site.
22 - 03 - 02
Title: USS Hornet
URL: http://www.geocities.com/chakotay54/barker.html
Description: Welcome to the U.S.S Hornet. Launched in 2377 under the command of Commander Andrew Riva.  The USS Hornet is the second ship in Bravo fleet to hold the name Hornet.  Thge USS Hornet is a deep-space scout ship in TaskForce SEARCH.  She is often used for back-up and exploration.
1) The site has a simple, straigth forward design based around 
text menu system. Sections of note are the 'Crew Manifest'
and 'Ship Specs'. The site have a few ship images to view.
The main page has a bried background to the sim and lists
the commanding officer and first officer.