
Site Info
24 - 07 - 02
Title: Die Botschaft der Trill
URL: http://trill.x-home.org
Description: A site only 'bout Trill in German language
1) The is site is dedicated to the Trill species found in star trek.
It contains a wealth of information on the race, including their culture, planet, language, etc. The site itself is totally in German, but written in the universal language of Trek.
2) There are allot of related images scattered throughout the web-site and it is a great information resource. You can read up 
of the symbiots and the joining as well. The Trill homeworld is also featured, including images and details information of know locations planetside.
3) Background into Trill society is explained in detail as the culture and the people are examined in the 'Culture' section. Commonly used words and phraces are also available for visitors. There is also a rank chart for the Trill military.